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The Dedicated Agents of the Temporal Enclave were originally sponsored by a series of chronomancy guilds which today
have either incorporated into or operate under the supervision of the Ministry of Magic Department of Space-Time.
Eggheads, public servants, and stewards to space-time continuity still form the backbone of the fanbases of the DATE
clubs, whose principles of diligence and faith in expertise, as well as their propensity to “work-hard, play hard”, mold the
culture of DATE clubs.

Venerating innovation, DATE clubs frequently sport the most radical strategies both on and off the field – with mixed
success. “Their success is only matched by their failure” quipped a Daily Horoscope Sports Columnist. Indeed, the
constant innovation and faith in the experimental method is frequently perceived as tiresome and overly optimistic.
While few other federations have contributed to spectacular innovations in the league, none have been so frequently

Diligence | Precision | Experimentation | Knowledge


Dedicated Agents of the temporal enclave

Originating from the lamplighters’ guilds of major historical urban centers, the Federation of City Lumineers prided themselves on their contributions to the public good through the illumination of public spaces. Lamps gave way to electric lighting which overtime became centrally controlled by mass electrical systems, but the sporting clubs still embody the spirit of illumination and also reflect the optimism, progressivism, and enlightenment associated with these vibrant metropolitan areas.

A reoccurring motif in FOCL culture is duality, which is frequently expressed and explored through tailgate party ceremonies, art, and commonly known club chants. Different interpretations of duality, its importance, and the implications vary widely from club to club, with many just using elements of duality for aesthetic purposes. It appears framing the world in terms of “light and dark” certainly does affect culture, just not in uniform ways.

Duty | Enlightenment | Persistence | Duality


Federation of city lumineers

Many of the clubs of the Midnight Coterie of Rogue Magicians emerged during times of magic-related persecution or otherwise claim their namesakes and founding myths from communities which survived such hardships, which impressed newfound appreciations for community, teamwork, and notably, discretion. It’s no secret that many of the most famous magicians of MCRM clubs were noble-targeting highwaymen, illegal poachers of the King’s private hunting grounds, or underground wandmakers looking to arm magical folk for protection. While these foundational legends are ingrained in every fan, magician, and club employee, it should be noted that these founding legends are now multi-centuries old.

Flexibility and pragmatism pair well with the penchant for discrete action and allow the MCRM to serve as arbiters in disputes between other clubs. If the Lieges of the MCRM can avoid getting tangled up in their own webs of intrigue, the MCRM just might have a chance to make it to the finals this year!

Discretion | Independence | Pragmatism | Collaboration


Midnight Coterie of Rogue Magicians

Stemming from the common culture of travelling musicians, circuses, and storytellers, many sporting clubs of the Loyal Order of Raconteurs Extraordinaire only recently established official physical headquarters. Known for their loyal fanbases, production value, and the embrace of the “when in Rome” attitude while abroad, the LORE clubs have a unique dedication to chronicling the great moments in OWL League history. Outsiders quibble about the lack of accuracy in the narratives presented by the club historians, actors, storytellers, bloggers, and tailgate puppet shows, but those critics are usually missing the point. LORE clubs aim to entertain!

LORE tailgates are especially prized not only for their unique entertainment but also their egalitarian nature. Working class and proud, members of LORE never forget that any clubs true base of power is not their athletic talent, magical talent, or wealth, but their fans. LORE fans are in fact so powerful that several chants have to be magically muffled by the referees for unfairly influencing the outcome of games through their latent magical effects.

Legacy | Panache | Celebration | Egalitarian


Loyal Order of Raconteurs 


Like the Dragons they venerate, the component clubs of the United Federation of Dragons are known for their wealth, prestige, and pride. While many offhandedly dismiss the UFOD club’s pursuits for wealth and power as self-centered aggrandizement, those engrossed in the UFOD culture view wealth and power as a natural side-effect of being great. As one club librarian puts it, “Wealth and prestige are not acquired to prove one’s awesomeness, wealth and prestige accrue naturally by those who are, in fact, awesome!”

Ritual and standards of etiquette also permeate the clubs of the UFOD. These common practices smooth potentially awkward social interactions, remind participants of shared culture, ensure harmony between disparate forces, ward off evil, and preserves legacy across time and space. Each club has their own particular eccentricity as one critic puts it, ranging from ceremonial tea to hand signals, incense burning, secret handshakes, and more. If the rumors are true, some clubs even practice magical branding.

Chivalry | Prosperity | Prestige | Ritual


United Federation of Dragons

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