A fervent race has broken out to be the next Prime Minister of OWL Parliament after the previous Prime Minster announced their retirement just as the OWL League finally got off the ground. Let's meet the candidates!
Listed by order of their announcement to run for the premiership.
The candidates platforms, announcement videos, and other media are linked to below. We decided to ask each of the candidates the same three questions.
What do you think your best known for outside OWL League?
Why are you running for the premiership?
What's your inaugural OWL season highlight?
Stay tuned for coverage of the PM candidate debates hosted by Lord Luz of the Roxas City Magic - also posted in the #village-square chat!
Lord Sam of Alexandria
Reality Show Heel & Liege of the 5 - 2 Alexandria Sirens (LORE)
It appears that despite the drama, the Real Magicians of Alexandria may just go on the postseason, in no small part to the Lord's bombastic leadership.
1. What do you think your best known for outside OWL League?
My extensive work with the youth throughout the global south. The sports world may know me as an outspoken man for the fans, but my real passion is provide those in need a hand up to escape their troubled situations. That's why part of the proceeds from tonight's fundraiser on Real Magicians of Alexandria will go to the Youth Ludomancy League.
2. Why are you running for the premiership?
OWL League needs a clear vision to grow our popularity, expand our geographic footprint, and nurture stars for tomorrow. We need several reforms, and I have the legislative know-how to bring disparate parties together and craft reasonable, mutually beneficial legislation to guide OWL League through the darkness and into safe harbor.
3. What's your inaugural OWL season highlight?
By far, hearing our crowd sing the Sirens' Song as Atticus secured the Beast Group by grabbing the final gem in a close match-up. Sirens fans are the best in the league, and their willingness to cheer our magicians on at the end of a long road trip gave us the boost we needed to win our division.
Vote4Sam Website
Lady Elina
Fashion Mogul & Liege of the 5 - 2 Queens 35ers (DATE)
Ably leading her team to both financial and sporting success, she's looking to channel that passion for OWL into her campaign and beyond.
1. What do you think you’re best known for outside OWL League?
Outside of the OWL League, I’m most well known for owning Atelier Mystique, a clothing and cosmetics brand that creates fabulous ready-to-wear/use items for the fashion-savvy magician. We have stores in most major cities, and sew millions of dreams into reality every year. I’m proud of the brand and of my team because we act as fashion-conscious fairy godmothers for each and every client, transforming them into the person they want to be with cloth, rouge, and just a little fairy dust.
2. Why are you running for the premiership?
I am running for premiership because I believe in creating a league where everybody, no matter where you are or what you do, can smile and say “I’ve had fun”. I have other dreams for the League, of championing our management and expanding our charity works and even encouraging stronger fan interaction, but primarily I want us to be able to look on our days of Ludomancy with fondness. Ludomancy has given me so much joy, and I would use the position of Prime Minister to listen to and support ideas that will give joy to everyone involved in our wonderful sport.
3. What's your inaugural OWL season highlight?
It would have to be the opportunity to re-hire Priya Skadi as part of our Athlete Relations team. Priya was let go from our team halfway through the season despite my protests for strategic purposes, and it was heartbreaking that someone I considered a part of our 35ers family was without work. Petitioning the OWL League Commission to allow us to give her a spot on our management team was one of the happiest moments for every single player and member of management, because it felt right to have her back with us again.
Lady Cordeilia Wick
Raven Mother & Liege of the 5 - 2 Worcester Ravens (DATE)
Lady Cordeilia is looking to turn a string of parliamentary successes into a run on the OWL premiership in the same way she's turned the Ravens into Championship contenders this year!
1. What do you think your best known for outside OWL League?
Being someone who is not restricted by the normal concept of time, the thing I am best known for hasn’t happened yet. I wouldn’t want to risk any damage to the time stream by sharing what it is, but I can tell you, its pretty funny and involves a rainbow, a runaway car, and a moose.
2. Why are you running for the premiership?
I see this as a very important time for the league as a whole and think that I would be a good choice to make sure the future continues to be great. We need a strong leader who is looking ahead, who can set the league up to be successful and stable for years to come. This is something that is so important to me that if I win I’ll be sticking around in this time for quite awhile to see it through!
3. What's your inaugural OWL season highlight?
The highlight for me so far has been the amazing temporal omni-casts of our matches that West Coast Warlocks has been so kind to sponsor. Jayden Cleaver and Fireball Bob bring a whole new life to every match, elevating them to a totally different experience. I look forward to each new one and enjoy listening to them as soon as they are sent out!
Lady Kitsune
Veteran Parliamentarian & Liege of the 6 - 1 Kyoto Foxes LC (FOCL)
Seemingly after prompting from other Lieges, Lady Kitsune is the latest to toss their hat in the ring.
1. What do you think your best known for outside OWL League?
Being hard worker with natural leadership abilities who also brings a smile to everyone's day.
2. Why are you running for the premiership?
Because I believe I'm fair, I try to give everyone a voice and show leadership skills.
3. What's your inaugural OWL season highlight?
Hearing about Ricky's decision after the retreat to go spend some time at home visiting the other children in the orphanage and hearing that the team wanted to follow suit brought tears to my eyes.
Recounting of Ricky La Fey's rewarding charity work
Stay tuned for coverage on the PM candidate's debate being organized by Lord Luz of the Roxac City Magic!