Magician is the general term for a magic user who plays the game of Ludomancy. Magic users across the world actively play Ludomancy for fun. However, only a small amount of magicians make it to the level of professional play. Even fewer still can rise to the occasion of becoming an OWL-level Magician.
Key Stats
There are six key stats for a magician that will directly affect how Quests and Matches will play out. All other stats are inform these main stats, but are not directly considered when evaluating world events.
Magician Class - Each Magician associates themselves with one of three basic classes: Druid, Sorcerer, & Witch. Magicians may also have a subclass that may modify their abilities slightly (e.g. Luminous Sorcerer, or Astral Witch).
Stars - This is the key trait representing a Magician's magical ability. Magician's can have a Star value between 1 and 5 Stars.
Hearts - Hearts represent a Magician's emotional level. A Magician can have a Heart Value between 1 and 11 Hearts
Celebrity - This is a representation of how popular a magician is. It is rated from "A-List" being the highest rating to the lowest rating of "D-List."
Health Status - This stat is an indicator of how healthy and able a magician is for playing or going on Quests. A Magician can be listed as either "Healthy," "Questionable," "Injured," or "Out." A Magician is "Out" if they have 0 Health Points and may not participate in Quests or Matches. Per OWL Regulations, Magicians are not allowed to compete in a match if they are "Injured."
Salary - The amount of money paid to a magician for playing on a team.
Stat Changes
Throughout a season a Magician's Key Stats can change either positively or negatively. A Magician's Hearts, Celebrity, and Health Status get updated after every Match Day. A Magician's Star Value will only change on days that Alice Quinn's Rankings are released (see below). A Magician's Class will rarely change throughout a season, though some Quests may allow for a Magician to gain a subclass.
Alice Quinn's Ranking
The OWL League utilizes the services of Ludomancy Expert Alice Quinn to rank all OWL-level Magicians. The magic surrounding Quinn's specialized service has a very strong affect on OWL League Magicians as it directly determines a Magician's Star Value. Each Magician is ranked from best to worst. That means the Magician ranked 1st is the most powerful Magician in the League. Their ranking then determine what a Magician's Star Value is. Stars are distributed across all magicians in a bell curve. (e.g. the top 20 magicians will have a 5-Star value. The next 70 will have a 4-star value, and so on).
Quinn's methods are shrouded in great mystery. What is known is that Quinn takes into account the number of Star Stat Points a Magician has gained across the season. This will be the primary way for a Magician to move up the Rankings. Alice Quinn's Rating will only be updated twice throughout the 2020 OWL League season; on Thursday, June 11th, and Tuesday, June 16th.
Other Stats
These stats further provide insight into the stats above:
HP - Health Points. Magicians may lose HP as they are sent on Quests or play in Matches. Magicians may only regain HP by training with a Cleric.
Alice Quinn Rating (AQR) - see above
Star Stat Points (Star SP) - Helps in determining a Magician's AQR. Can be gained by participating in Quests or Matches.
Heart Stat Points (Heart SP) - Determines a Magician's Heart value. Can be gained by participating in Quests or Matches.
Followers - The number of followers/fans a Magician has on social media platforms. Determines a Magician's Celebrity
Contract Status - Generally defines how long a Magician is obligated to stay on a team.
Basic Stats
The stats below will not change throughout the season. In most cases these stats will help determine some of the stats above (Designer's Note: The stats listed below are set so that any magician may be used as a basis for a 5e Dungeons & Dragons character.)
MagID - Identifying number in for OWL League Officials
Charisma (Cha) - Used to determine how many followers a magician may gain.
Constitution (Con) - Determines a Magician's HP in The OWL League
Dexterity (Dex) - This stat may be used to determine Star SP gained throughout the season.
Intelligence (Int) - This stat may be used to determine Star SP gained throughout the season.
Strength (Str) - This stat may be used to determine Heart SP gained throughout the season.
Wisdom (Wis) - This stat may be used to determine Heart SP gained throughout the season.
Astrological Sign