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Writer's pictureThe OWL Commisioner


Magician is the general term for a magic user who plays the game of Ludomancy. Magic users across the world actively play Ludomancy for fun. However, only a small amount of magicians make it to the level of professional play. Even fewer still can rise to the occasion of becoming an OWL-level Magician.


Key Stats

There are six key stats for a magician that will directly affect how Quests and Matches will play out. All other stats are inform these main stats, but are not directly considered when evaluating world events.

  • Magician Class - Each Magician associates themselves with one of three basic classes: Druid, Sorcerer, & Witch. Magicians may also have a subclass that may modify their abilities slightly (e.g. Luminous Sorcerer, or Astral Witch).

  • Stars - This is the key trait representing a Magician's magical ability. Magician's can have a Star value between 1 and 5 Stars.

  • Hearts - Hearts represent a Magician's emotional level. A Magician can have a Heart Value between 1 and 11 Hearts

  • Celebrity - This is a representation of how popular a magician is. It is rated from "A-List" being the highest rating to the lowest rating of "D-List."

  • Health Status - This stat is an indicator of how healthy and able a magician is for playing or going on Quests. A Magician can be listed as either "Healthy," "Questionable," "Injured," or "Out." A Magician is "Out" if they have 0 Health Points and may not participate in Quests or Matches. Per OWL Regulations, Magicians are not allowed to compete in a match if they are "Injured."

  • Salary - The amount of money paid to a magician for playing on a team.


Stat Changes

Throughout a season a Magician's Key Stats can change either positively or negatively. A Magician's Hearts, Celebrity, and Health Status get updated after every Match Day. A Magician's Star Value will only change on days that Alice Quinn's Rankings are released (see below). A Magician's Class will rarely change throughout a season, though some Quests may allow for a Magician to gain a subclass.

Alice Quinn's Ranking

The OWL League utilizes the services of Ludomancy Expert Alice Quinn to rank all OWL-level Magicians. The magic surrounding Quinn's specialized service has a very strong affect on OWL League Magicians as it directly determines a Magician's Star Value. Each Magician is ranked from best to worst. That means the Magician ranked 1st is the most powerful Magician in the League. Their ranking then determine what a Magician's Star Value is. Stars are distributed across all magicians in a bell curve. (e.g. the top 20 magicians will have a 5-Star value. The next 70 will have a 4-star value, and so on).

Quinn's methods are shrouded in great mystery. What is known is that Quinn takes into account the number of Star Stat Points a Magician has gained across the season. This will be the primary way for a Magician to move up the Rankings. Alice Quinn's Rating will only be updated twice throughout the 2020 OWL League season; on Thursday, June 11th, and Tuesday, June 16th.


Other Stats

These stats further provide insight into the stats above:

  • HP - Health Points. Magicians may lose HP as they are sent on Quests or play in Matches. Magicians may only regain HP by training with a Cleric.

  • Alice Quinn Rating (AQR) - see above

  • Star Stat Points (Star SP) - Helps in determining a Magician's AQR. Can be gained by participating in Quests or Matches.

  • Heart Stat Points (Heart SP) - Determines a Magician's Heart value. Can be gained by participating in Quests or Matches.

  • Followers - The number of followers/fans a Magician has on social media platforms. Determines a Magician's Celebrity

  • Contract Status - Generally defines how long a Magician is obligated to stay on a team.

Basic Stats

The stats below will not change throughout the season. In most cases these stats will help determine some of the stats above (Designer's Note: The stats listed below are set so that any magician may be used as a basis for a 5e Dungeons & Dragons character.)

  • MagID - Identifying number in for OWL League Officials

  • Name

  • Level

  • Charisma (Cha) - Used to determine how many followers a magician may gain.

  • Constitution (Con) - Determines a Magician's HP in The OWL League

  • Dexterity (Dex) - This stat may be used to determine Star SP gained throughout the season.

  • Intelligence (Int) - This stat may be used to determine Star SP gained throughout the season.

  • Strength (Str) - This stat may be used to determine Heart SP gained throughout the season.

  • Wisdom (Wis) - This stat may be used to determine Heart SP gained throughout the season.

  • Birthday/Age

  • Astrological Sign


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